Ahir en Jack va ensenyar a fer shortbread, les galetes típiques escoceses, als nens i nenes del poble. Van sortir súper bones i la maninada s’ho va passar genial fent aquesta recepta tan senzilla. La volem compartir amb vosaltres perquè la pugueu provar durant les vances, això sí, només en anglès 😉

Yesterday Jack taught the village children how the make shortbread, the typical Scottish biscuits. They were delicious and the children had a great time following this easy recipe. We want to share it with you so that you can try it during the holidays, but only in English 😉

NOTE: Click on the words to see their translation.


1. Heat the oven to 190C.

2. Beat the butter and the sugar together until smooth.

3. Stir in the flour to get a smooth paste. Turn on to a work surface and with a rolling pin gently roll out until the paste is 1cm thick.

4. Cut into rounds or fingers and place onto a baking tray.

5. Sprinkle with sugar and chill in the fridge for 20 minutes.

6. Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes, or until pale golden-brown.

7. Cool the biscuits on a wire rack.

Recipe from BBC

Galetes Shorthbread by Learn English Banyoles


Després d’un inici de curs intens i emocionant, que no ha deixat massa temps per escriure al bloc, ja tornem a ser aquí!

Per acabar el trimestre de manera divertida i amb un punt de dolç, hem aprofitat una sessió de comunicació oral per a realitzar uns petits Rudolphs the Red Nosed Reindeer amb marshmellows i xocolata.

Després de practicar-ne la cançó, hem fet una recepta senzilla per treballar l’escolta d’instruccions i practicar com demanar el material necessari per portar-la a terme. TOT UN EXIT!

After an intens and exciting start to the school year that hasn’t left us much time to post in the blog, we are back!

To end the first trimester in a fun and sweet way, we have used an oral communication session to make small Rudolphs the Red Nosed Reindeer with marshmellows and chocolate.

After working on the song, we have followed a simple recipe to work on instructions and to practice how to ask for the material needed to complete it. A TOTAL SUCCESS!

Classes divertides a Learn English Banyoles